1 whole cooked ham rump half or shank (6-10lb)
Whole cloves (20-40, depending on ham size
1 bottle of New Canaan Farms Raspberry Chipotle Sauce
Serve with
Mashed potato and vegetables of your choice and mustard (we love New Canaan Farms Gourmet Raspberry Mustard with this)

- Pre-heat the oven to 325°
- Take your ham out of its packaging and dab with paper towel to remove excess moisture
- Set the ham flat-side down, fat-side up on a baking rack inside a deep dish baking pan (you need it on the baking rack to keep it out of the juices that will pool as the ham heats)
- Using a sharp serrated knife, score 1/2 inch deep cuts in a diagonal pattern all over the ham
- Stud with as many cloves as you like – I had a huge 11lb ham so popped in about 40
- Pour 1/2 of your sauce in a bowl and use this to generously baste the ham all over – you probably won’t need it all but can use the remainder for the second basting
- Cover loosely with foil and put in the oven. Set your timers to bake for 15-20 minutes per pound, setting your alarm for 20 minutes before time is up. Now go and have some fun!
- When the alarm goes off, remove from the oven and check that the ham has heated through – it should reach 135°. Generously baste the ham once more – you’ll probably need to add some extra sauce to your basting bowl. Place the ham back into the oven, this time uncovered
- Take out the ham when the time is up, allow it to rest for 15 minutes while you finish preparing your vegetables. You can also turn the sauces that have pooled in the bottom of the pan into a gravy, but while delicious, they tend to be salty so they will need diluting. I prefer to serve the ham with the remainder of the raspberry chipotle sauce and our gourmet raspberry mustard
- Turn the ham to its flat side to carve. Make sure you use the whole ham – the leftovers and split pea soup with the ham bone are always delicious!
- Happy Easter!